In order to get your hands on a great vehicle at a search and seizure auction, it's important to follow a few simple steps and pay attention to up-to-date information.
Check out the step-by-step below:
- Visit the Detran website in your state or that of the company responsible for the search and seizure auction.
- Register on the website and wait for your request to be analyzed.
- Keep track of the specific dates and times of each auction, as they can vary according to the region and the type of vehicle.
- Pay attention to information about the condition of the vehicles to be auctioned, such as year, model, make and state of repair.
- Check the vehicle for any outstanding issues, such as fines, IPVA or overdue documents, to avoid surprises in the future.
- Select the vehicle you are interested in and bid consciously, respecting the minimum amount and your financial capacity.
Participating in a search and seizure auction can be an excellent opportunity to acquire a vehicle at a more affordable price.
Don't waste any more time and check out some of the best auctions currently available below: