Fuel Aid: what is it, how does it work, how to apply?

Continued after the announcement

The fuel allowance was approved with the expectation that it would be paid during the current period. This week, the Senate approved a bill to provide drivers with a daily allowance.

The measure was adopted to readjust fuel prices. The following section explains the rules for rights and concessions.

According to the text of the Senator Prates, this is a financial aid, worth a maximum of 300 reais, for people who help with the expenses of people who work in the transport sector. To receive the benefit, the person must be registered with Brazil Aid.

Continued after the announcement

However, gasoline subsidies are not available to all professionals who work as drivers, as they must meet the minimum household income criteria of up to three minimum wages.

Who is entitled to fuel assistance?

As mentioned above, the purpose of the assistance is to help app drivers and taxi drivers. The amount of the contribution can go up to R$$ 300, depending on the category of the beneficiary.

To have access to the fuel assistance benefit, you must meet the participation requirements:

See also

How do I apply for fuel assistance?

In order to identify the most needy citizens, the Fuel Aid specifically targets the beneficiaries of Brazil Aid.

To make the request, you must be a member of CadÚnico and have a monthly income of up to twice the minimum wage (R$ 2,424).

In addition, it also pays R$ 300 for low-income jobs such as taxis, motorcycle taxis, ride-hailing, school vans and truck drivers.

Self-employed workers in private transport, including taxi drivers and drivers, drivers and pilots of small boats up to 16 hp and delivery drivers, receive an amount of up to R$ 300.

O benefit of gasoline or fuel It is not yet in force, since the approval of the PEC in the Chamber of Representatives is still non-existent.

However, the proposal has now received favorable opinions from senators who approved the measure in the plenary session of the Chamber.

With the state of emergency having been approved, the path is now easier for the measure to be decreed.

But even so, we don't have a definition of when the benefits will be released, we will soon give a date as soon as it is approved OK.

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