
Check PIS/PASEP 2022 – Find out the best ways






PIS 2022 is Brazil's Social Integration Program. It aims to regularize the tax status of people in an irregular situation in the country by collecting taxes and paying social benefits.

The program was created in 2012 and also provides scholarships and funding for social projects.

If you're wondering how to check your PASEP, you're not alone. There are several ways to access your PASEP. In this article, we cover CAIXA Trabalhador, Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço and Banco do Brasil.

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CAIXA Worker

CAIXA Trabalhador PIS/PASEP is a government-run social security program that pays benefits to low-income workers. There are several requirements to qualify for this program.


For example, a person must be at least five years old. If they meet these requirements, the PIS will be paid.

Before the program was launched, workers had to deposit PIS in individual COTAS, but this is no longer the case. Until recently, deposits were only available to those who worked for government institutions.

However, the federal government recently liberalized the Cota Saque to include everyone.


In addition, self-employed individuals are also eligible to participate in the PIS program if they pay an INSS contribution. For workers wishing to access this program, it's easy to do so online.

CAIXA Trabalhador de PIS Saque is accessible to workers via the FGTS app for Android and iOS devices. Using the FGTS app, Workers can easily view their Saque balance and transfer funds to their bank account.

Length of Service Guarantee Fund

When you need to make a payment, you can consult the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS). This is an institution that guarantees the repayment of a loan, usually a temporary one.

Its aim is to provide a safe haven for workers, especially those whose employment contracts are not long-term. However, it doesn't stop there.

You can consult this fund by requesting a copy of the relevant document. You can also get alerts by post, SMS or e-mail. You can also subscribe to a service that sends you alerts on the FGTS. This will ensure that you are informed whenever you are entitled to a refund.

The limit is six percent of the value of the FGTS at the end of the previous financial year. This limit is based on estimates by the Board of Trustees and is calculated annually.

It is possible to transfer your FGTS to another fund after the waiting period. However, you must ensure that you meet the requirements for transferring funds.

You can get notifications about FGTS changes by text message. To do this, you must enter your NIS number, which is the same number you use to access your account.

After logging in, you must enter your NIS and Password. If you want to consult the FGTS in PDF format, click on the PDF Extract version.

You can consult the PIS 2022 through the PIS Portal ( For more information, you can also call 0800 722 6672 or send an e-mail to [email protected].

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