
Pregnancy at risk and INSS benefits






Women who are pregnant at risk can receive benefits from the National Social Security Institute (INSS). Understand what this means and see what the risks of pregnancy are for the mother's health.

What is the INSS? It's the National Social Security Institute, one of the arms of the Brazilian government responsible for the social protection of workers. It is responsible for guaranteeing Brazilians access to the best health and social security conditions.

Through the INSS, workers are entitled to receive benefits such as retirement, unemployment benefits, alimony and unemployment insurance. The benefits paid by the INSS vary according to the length of time participants have contributed and depend on the professional category in which they work in Brazilian society.

The INSS is one of the main sources of funding for the Brazilian social system. The INSS acts as a decentralized public financial institution, which is responsible for paying benefits to its clients. INSS resources are managed by an autonomous public sector (INSS).


Pregnancy at risk and INSS benefits

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A high-risk pregnancy is a condition affecting the fetus that is characterized by a significant increase in the possibility of complications during pregnancy. According to experts, the most common complications associated with high-risk pregnancies are miscarriages, premature births and caesarean sections. The benefits of a high-risk pregnancy include a greater chance of survival for the baby, a lower chance of post-natal depression and a higher quality of life for families.

Here are some of the main benefits of risk pregnancy:

1) Greater chance of survival for the baby: A high-risk pregnancy has a high chance of survival for the baby, which can decrease by up to 50%. This is because the unborn child tends to be more resistant to disease and has a greater chance of surviving even when it experiences complications during pregnancy.

2) Less chance of postpartum depression: One of the consequences of a high-risk pregnancy is a significant reduction in the likelihood of postpartum depression. This is because women who are pregnant at risk have a higher quality of life and greater security, which makes them feel better prepared to face the mishaps of childbirth.


3) Better quality of life for families: In addition to the health benefits for the participants, high-risk pregnancies also have a number of benefits for families in general. For example, at-risk pregnant women tend to stabilize their cholesterol levels and have healthier children. Children born into high-risk pregnancy families also tend to be less likely to suffer from behavioral problems.

What are the types of pregnancy?

Women are more likely to suffer complications during pregnancy, such as constant bleeding, infections and contractures. That's why you need to be aware of your state of health during pregnancy to avoid minor or major problems. Here are some of the risks of a high-risk pregnancy:

  • Complications during pregnancy, such as constant bleeding, infections and contractures.
  • Damage to health after the end of pregnancy, including heart problems, intestinal obstruction and depression.
  • Risk of creating a baby with health problems, such as malformations or death.
  • Damage to health during the lactation period, such as difficulties in producing milk properly and harm to children.
  • Increased risk of suicide in women after pregnancy.
  • Many women find it difficult to cope with pregnancy, which can lead to depression.
  • Worsening relationship with partner.
  • Higher risk of becoming a single mother.

The benefits of pregnancy for the INSS

Pregnancy is a period of great movement in the lives of human beings. It is therefore natural that pregnancy benefits for the INSS have a significant impact. Here are some of the main pregnancy benefits for the INSS:

  • Tax benefits: pensions, sickness benefits, death pensions and other social security benefits are automatically granted to pregnant mothers.
  • Increased productivity in the labor market: a pregnant woman is better prepared to deal with the challenges of the job market, due to the need to care for the family and the high production through the efforts of the baby.
  • Pregnancy over the age of 30: pregnant women over the age of 30 receive an additional benefit of 13% on top of their monthly salary.
  • Improved academic performance: pregnancy is a time when women tend to get better grades in primary and secondary school, due to the greater attention they need to take care of the baby.
  • Increased health indices: pregnant women are more likely to survive a heart attack than other people of the same age.
  • Improvement in physical aspects: during pregnancy, women may have improved their muscle mass, cholesterol and cardiac fragility.
  • Save time: pregnancy is a time when women use fewer chemical products, due to the special needs of the baby.
  • Better quality of life: pregnancy is a time when women are at their happiest, due to the proximity of the crystal-clear moment of parenthood.

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